Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Searching for car parts?

All cars break down at some point and require a certain amount of repair before they are functional again. More often than not, the mechanic would advise you to replace some parts of the vehicle for smoother handling or to improve the working condition of the car. So where do you get these parts?

If you are looking for some relatively common parts, try the closest neighbourhood auto parts store. They usually keep a stock of common parts in good condition. If what you need is rather unique to the vehicle, try the official dealer or even the manufacturer itself. These parts will definitely cost more as they may not be available at other stores. A cheaper alternative for car parts would be to visit a salvage yard.

When a car is involved in an accident, the damage may be so severe that it would be more costly to repair it compared to buying a new one. In these situations, salvage yards gather these vehicles and extract from them the working parts as there may be hundreds of perfectly viable parts. The remainder or unusable parts are sold as scrap metal. The more popular parts are usually kept at the lot, in a storefront or for display. Other parts are usually collected from the vehicles when a customer calls in requesting for them. Sometimes, customers are allowed to search for the cars themselves and remove the desired parts using the tools provided.

Most salvage yards will ship over the parts you ordered over a certain period of time, usually within the week. Even with the shipping cost, these parts are much cheaper compared to the other methods of acquiring spare parts. In fact the internet has made it even easier to search for the parts you need. Many salvage yards have come together to from networks with an inventory of common parts in high demand. Special parts may also be available, simply ask and they will search their yard for you.

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