Thursday, March 19, 2009

Simple methods to quickly inspect a car

Checking the engine

The fluids reflect the condition of the engine.

Check the oil – the dipstick level should show an adequate amount of oil. Should a milky look be present, the water is mixing with the oil. This means either cracked heads or a blown head gasket

Unscrew the oil cap and look on its underside – again if it looks milky, major engine problems may be the cause.

Check the radiator – ensure that it is cool upon touching. A hot radiator is extremely dangerous. Check for antifreeze is set to the maximum. Look at the cap also for milky substances, if present then there may be major problems with it.

Check the transmission – Get the car running first for an accurate reading

Inspect the body of the car

Look at car’s seams – look on the hood for the left seam, then compare it with the seam on the right. Compare the width of both seams. Do so for the seams of the trunk as well. Different widths mean that the car was probably involved in a collision and some amount of repair work was done.

Missing stickers from manufacturers also indicates a previous collision

Check under the hood for a manufacturer’s sticker on its underside. If absent, the original hood may have been replaced following a collision from the front.

Also check the inside of the driver’s door. Manufacturer’s stickers are usually on the inside or simply near the door.

Paint over spray is also another indication. Evidence is usually present under the hood or even near the radiator, among other areas of a vehicle’s engine. Proceed to scan all over the car for these marks.

Checking for signs of floods

Open the trunk and take a deep breath. If you detect a musty mouldy odour, this means that the car has probably experienced some floods.

Is the car burning oil?

Start the car up and press on the accelerator. A friend should stand in the back, looking for blue or black smoke from the tailpipe. Later, when it has cooled down, wrap your finger with a napkin and sweep the tailpipe. If it has an oily black substance, it means that car burns oil.

Don’t forget to check that all accessories are in working order. Check the lights, windscreen wipers, and air conditioning, radio and power windows. When you start the car, no warning lights should be on – check the engine or battery.

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